2023-2024 Projects

Sihle Tours Solutions (South Africa) Project 2023
Sihle Tours Solutions is a small tourism business in South Africa. Students worked with the founders and owners of the business to design a website and they then drafted a marketing plan.
Specifically, “Sihle Tours Solutions was established in 2004. With steady growth . . . from a fledgling company operating one vehicle to its present position as a small yet competitive industry operator, Sihle Tours Solutions has earned a reputation for satisfying the needs of the budget traveler with an appreciation of historical heritage, natural beauty, ecotourism and human values. Sihle Tours Solutions maintains a strong focus on sustainable tourism and a commitment to constant forward movement in terms of service, quality and value for money.”
Colores y Sabores (Mexico) Project 2023
Colores y Sabores, situated in Cozumel, Mexico, is working with the SIBC at Benedictine College to facilitate the creation of a new website and marketing strategy. The objective of this collaboration is to meticulously research and formulate an optimal marketing plan for the client, ensuring it aligns with their particular business goals. Simultaneously, the team is embarking on the task of crafting a high-quality website, prioritizing user-friendliness and customization to meet the specific requests of Colores y Sabores. As the project unfolds, the team will integrate their research, design, and marketing efforts, synthesizing the results into a comprehensive final presentation that will serve as a valuable asset for Colores y Sabores in navigating the digital landscape and enhancing its online presence.

New Zealand Travel Blog 2023
This SIBC team is researching various travel blogs and influencers. The team is identifying ideas that work well along with techniques that should be avoided by influences. In addition, students are analyzing the presence of influences in New Zealand. Two of the students will travel to New Zealand to create a New Zealand travel blog and other social media content.

New Zealand Education Project 2023
This SIBC team is researching similarities and differences between the education systems in New Zealand and the USA. This research includes live interviews of New Zealand residents.

RubinBrown Project 2023
he SIBC team researched and presented in person to accountants at RubinBrown about the following topic:
When the stock of a US C Corp is sold (use 100% of the shares for our purposes) and the US C Corp owns stock in CFCs (use 100% of the shares for our purposes), what are the Form 5471 filing requirements for both the buyer and the seller?a. Do both file a stub period 5471?
b. Does one of them file a 5471 for the full year?c. Who picks up the GILTI/Subpart F income?d. BONUS: Which foreign jurisdictions require a stub period tax return when there is an upstream change in ownership?

Northside Inter-Community Agency Project 2023
The students worked with Northside Inter-Community Agency (NICA), pertaining to the advancement of first-generation young adults. This project consisted of creating a financial literacy presentation with a focus on teaching the nuances of applying, securing, and paying off future student loans. Additionally they instructed the basics of opening saving and checking accounts independently, interest rates, credit cards, and how to budget. The presentation will serve as a foundation for their responsible financial future.

Spark Tank 2023
Spark Tank is a new venture in Ferguson that will offer training and assistance to area entrepreneurs in an effort to help spur economic development. Spark Tank – Ferguson, a new pilot program of the Benedictine College School of Business, based in Atchison, Kan., brings together faculty and staff from the college’s Thompson Center for Integrity in Finance and Economics and its Cray Center for Entrepreneurial Services with local partners Civil Righteousness, based in Ferguson, and Premier Business Brokers, based in St. Louis. The group has developed a website, Spark-Tank.org, and plans to start soliciting entrepreneurs, mentors, and Spark Tank team members.
​Students worked directly with Dave Geenens to select educational options and outline the curriculum, as well as building resources to support the curriculum. Students communicated with the Spark Tank - Ferguson partners and Benedictine College alumni in the process.

Campus Cultural Event - Germany 2023
This team planned, organized, and hosted international events on campus. This included activities such as a bake-off with dishes from various cultures, dance lessons, foreign movie nights, and international trivia.

Alumni Event Team 2023
Students organized an alumni event that provided networking opportunities for SIBC students. This event included an alumni panel followed by a networking tailgate on Homecoming Weekend. Alumni shared about how SIBC helps them in their careers, their transitions from academics to the “real world,” and provided insight about their experiences navigating their respective careers.

Marketing Team 2023
The Marketing Team met regularly throughout the year to address the Benedictine College Student International Business Council's marketing needs. They used various applications to develop marketing materials for the council. These included fliers, logos, business cards, and more. The Marketing Team also managed all social media platforms as well as updated the council’s webpage. Additionally, the Marketing Team worked on major marketing projects such as the Annual Report and prepared for various marketing events throughout the year, like the SIBC Open House and Club Fair. Students learned how to run a website, how to advertise properly, and how to design business cards and fliers.

Accounting Team 2023
The Accounting Team is a team that met periodically throughout the year to address SIBC’s financial needs. The Accounting Team assured that SIBC is demonstrating effective stewardship of its donor’s generous gift. The team not only followed generally accepted business practices for overseeing expenditures but also initiated good systems for members to follow internally. Different needs addressed by the Accounting Team included coding transactions, booking flights and hotels for project needs, billings, reimbursements, predicting future months’ spending to increase credit limit per month, and approving spending budgets for project use.

IPE Team 2023
This is a joint event with Notre Dame and the University of San Diego.
Benedictine College’s specific research topic is mitigation and adaption in the goal of becoming Net Zero.
Mitigation and adaptation. What are individuals, companies and countries doing to mitigate greenhouse gases in the atmosphere through enhanced energy efficiency? What adaptive measures do they have in the pipeline to prepare for a future changed climate ? Which show the greatest potential?

BuySide 2024
This is a joint event with Notre Dame and the University of San Diego. Each school is assigned a topic.
Benedictine College’s specific research topic is on Artificial Intelligence and its place in retail.

Sparktank 2024
A new venture in Ferguson, MO will offer training and assistance to area entrepreneurs in an effort to help spur economic development. Spark Tank – Ferguson, a new pilot program of the Benedictine College School of Business, based in Atchison, Kansas, brings together faculty and staff from the college’s Thompson Center for Integrity in Finance and Economics and its Cray Center for Entrepreneurial Services with local partners Civil Righteousness, based in Ferguson, and Premier Business Brokers, based in St. Louis. The group has developed a website, Spark-Tank.org, and plans to start soliciting entrepreneurs, mentors, and Spark Tank team members.”
Students worked directly with Dave Geenens to select educational options and outline the curriculum, as well as building resources to support the curriculum. Students communicated with the Spark Tank - Ferguson partners and Benedictine College alumni in the process.

Campus Cultural Event Team 1- 2024
This team planned, organized, and hosted international events on campus. This included activities such as a bake-off with dishes from various cultures, dance lessons, foreign movie nights, and international trivia.

Campus Cultural Event Team 2- 2024
This team planned, organized, and hosted international events on campus. This included activities such as a bake-off with dishes from various cultures, dance lessons, foreign movie nights, and international trivia.

City Rent-A-Truck 2024
The student team researched and presented regarding the following topics: What underserved industries could benefit from City Rent a Truck’s services? What cities across the country could City Rent a Truck expand into and benefit from the expansion?
Boy Scouts Project 2024
The student team worked with the Circle Ten Council of the Boy Scouts in Dallas, Texas. This project consisted of creating a marketing plan and social media content creation for a Cub Scout event in late April. Additionally, the team took pictures and videos on site to post on social media the day of the event and to be used in the fall for the recruitment campaign.
The Triumph Foundation 2024
The Triumph Foundation is a non-profit in Valencia, California, that works with individuals of all ages who have suffered spinal cord injuries. They offer a wide variety of services, ranging from support for newly injured to employment assistance and recreational activities. The students developed a strategic plan for the Triumph Foundation. They as well provided aid in the continuation, development, and success of this organization and its mission to support those who have suffered life-altering injuries..

Marketing Team 2024
The Marketing Team met regularly throughout the year to address the Benedictine College Student International Business Council's marketing needs. They used various applications to develop marketing materials for the council. These included fliers, logos, business cards, and more. The Marketing Team also managed all social media platforms as well as updated the council’s webpage. Additionally, the Marketing Team worked on major marketing projects such as the Annual Report and prepared for various marketing events throughout the year, like the SIBC Open House and Club Fair. Students learned how to run a website, how to advertise properly, and how to design business cards and fliers.

Accounting Team 2024
The Accounting Team is a team that met periodically throughout the year to address SIBC’s financial needs. The Accounting Team assured that SIBC is demonstrating effective stewardship of its donor’s generous gift. The team not only followed generally accepted business practices for overseeing expenditures but also initiated good systems for members to follow internally. Different needs addressed by the Accounting Team included coding transactions, booking flights and hotels for project needs, billings, reimbursements, predicting future months’ spending to increase credit limit per month, and approving spending budgets for project use.