Our Work
Below are our projects for the year 2022 - 2023:
Fall 2022

The Belize Project
The JPII Junior College in Benque has been growing their programs and working on a variety of business and marketing classes. SIBC students will collaborate with the students at the Junior College. The SIBC students will also have the opportunity to join the Benedictine College Mission Trip to Belize on a variety of their mission opportunities.
The Miel, Spain Project
Miel Education, LLC is interested in learning more about opportunities for international business travel for business students (not limited to international business majors.) SIBC students are asked to compile a comprehensive database of programs offered at U.S. institutions and outside organizations.


The New Zealand Project
The project has explored the vaccination and Covid-19 safety requirements within New Zealand, as well as the traveling costs and restrictions. It also studied the landmark sights of New Zealand, from Hobbiton to Mount Victoria, as well as the general culture of the locals. It was also dedicated to interviewing various businesses in New Zealand and discovering how covid-19 affected each one of them.
Team 1 Shenandoah National Park
Students will research and analyze how the pandemic has impacted Shenandoah National Park and businesses in towns surrounding the park. Students will conduct research from campus and then the team will have an opportunity to travel to Shenandoah National Park and the nearby town to interview park rangers and local business professionals.


IPE is a joint event with Notre Dame and the University of San Diego. Our Students at Benedictine College were given the following prompt:
For decades, experts have argued that trade makes countries more commercially interdependent, creating strong incentives to avoid war. In light of current events this belief is worth revisiting. Do trade and commerce always create peace and sustainable development? On what conditions does it depend? What role specifically does business play in fostering peace/sustainable development?
The Frost Bank Project
SIBC students will conduct research for Frost Bank looking at if companies are able to leverage artificial intelligence in their recruiting strategy and if there is a way to use this technology to find people who align with their company culture and values. Students will present their findings in San Antonio, Texas on November 18th.

The Rubin Brown Project
SIBC will complete a project with Lutz & Company, PC a business solutions firm headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska. The team will work with the Omaha office. The overall topic covered will be government stimulus, including PPP loans, restaurant revitalization, EIDL loans, FFCRA payroll tax credits, and other programs. We will present the project in person on November 5th.

Team 2 (Olympic) National Park
Students will research and analyze how the pandemic has impacted the National Parks and businesses in towns surrounding the parks. Students will conduct research from campus and then each sub-team will have an opportunity to travel to a National Park and nearby town to interview park rangers and local business professionals.
Team 3 Everglades National Park
Students will research and analyze how the pandemic has impacted the National Parks and businesses in towns surrounding the parks. Students will conduct research from campus and then each sub-team will have an opportunity to travel to a National Park and nearby town to interview park rangers and local business professionals.

The Abbey Art Project
This semester, students plan to use the photos to begin designing coffee table books for the Abbey to sell. Students will interview monks to learn the history behind the art pieces and then the books may be produced and sold through the Abbey’s website/gift shop, thus generating income for the monks.

Financial Literacy Project
Over the course of the semester, the team will create a presentation that breaks down basic financial concepts. The team will work with the Benedictine finance professors to ensure the presentation is a comprehensive assortment of financial concepts for individuals with limited financial knowledge.

Marketing Team
The Marketing Team meets regularly throughout the year to address the Benedictine College Student International Business Council's marketing needs. We use various applications to develop marketing materials for the council. These include fliers, logos, business cards, and more. The Marketing Team also manages all social media platforms as well as updates the council’s webpage. Additionally, the Marketing Team works on major marketing projects such as the Annual Report and prepares for various marketing events throughout the year.

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Spring 2023 (Ongoing)
Benque Viejo Del Carmen
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Miel Education Project
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The Commarque Project
The Château de Commarque is a hillside castle located between Sarlat and Les Eyzies, in the commune of Les Eyzies in the Dordogne department in southern France. They are seeking aid in “How to scale a business in the tourism industry, with an emphasis in marketing.”

360° Painting
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Spark-Tank Collaboration
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Campus Cultural Events
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Marketing Team
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Accounting Team
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