Students will research and analyze how the pandemic has impacted the National Parks and businesses in towns surrounding the parks. Students will conduct research from campus and then each sub-team will have an opportunity to travel to a National Park and nearby town to interview park rangers and local business professionals.
Dominic Kaehler
The main objective for our trip was to discuss with businesses how Covid-19 has affected international travel to the Everglades and the businesses that reside by the park. During our trip, we interviewed park rangers on the effects of Covid-19 on the Everglades National Park. My group accompanied me while I interviewed local businesses, as well as gaining a sense of how the park and the surrounding businesses were affected. My team and I also explored the national park, observing the wildlife and the unique ecosystem created by the park. We are also visiting Biscayne National Park to get a Second opinion on how Covid-19 has affected international travel to the park.
From the data we collected, it became clear that covid eliminated International travel entirely for several months, during the height of the pandemic; however it did allow more local Residents of Florida to visit the parks, and as soon as covid restrictions were lifted, The businesses and the parks we interviewed noticed a big influx in international visitors.
I gained so much experience on this trip. I was privileged to learn how to better interview people, I became more confident talking to strangers, and this entire process became easier and easier with experience. I also really enjoyed learning how to work more efficiently and effectively with my team with practice. Taking the leadership role in this project has taught me how to delegate tasks, and how to better understand how to motivate and lead people from different backgrounds and perspectives.
SIBC has taught me more than I could have imagined and I have gained experience that I would not get through any other association. Some of the skills I have gained from SIBC are, developing better leadership, and gaining better traveling experience. I also now have a better understanding of how to work well within a team; the dynamics that are effective and those that aren’t, and what role I am best at. I want to thank The benefactors and leaders that have made SIBC possible, and for the invaluable, timeless tools it has given me.
Lauren E Rabal
My name is Lauren Rabal and I am the vice president of the Student International Business Council. I was super excited to travel to the Everglades and Biscayne National Parks and research how they were affected by covid. I loved hearing about how the local businesses were able to adapt their company strategies to survive the pandemic. I am excited to compare our findings to that of the other National Park teams.
Evelyn Wooldrik
Hello! I am Evelyn Wooldrik, a sophomore at Benedictine College. I am double majoring in Marketing and Management. This is my second semester in the Student International Business Council. I have enjoyed my time in this council and have been able to grow in my experience and education in the business world. I am involved in the National Parks Analysis Project and the Miel Spain Project. I recently traveled with my National Park Analysis team to the Everglades National Park in Florida to further research the effects of COVID on National Parks and the surrounding businesses throughout America.
It is safe to say that I learned ample knowledge and business experience from this trip. I learned that the set back of COVID took a toll on the businesses, but primarily affected employment both in the park and in local shops. It was amazing being able to interview and hear directly from business owners and park rangers about the situation. I loved hearing how passionate they were about their businesses. This was something that I did not get to experience when looking at statistics online. This trip increased my communication skills and helped me develop a sense of understanding in how businesses operate. Overall, I have greatly benefited from SIBC and the opportunity that allowed me to go on this beautiful and impactful trip!
Margaret M Hodge
During the trip, I practiced team building skills as well as speaking skills. As my team and I interviewed businesses and asked about the effects of covid on their businesses, I had to practice professionalism and empathy. We flourished as a team as we bounced ideas off of each other to prepare for our interviews. The importance of teamwork, especially when trying to connect with people, is very prominent in my professional life now. I will continue to learn from my teammates as we progress with our SIBC report!
