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Monks of Norcia

Michael Dickson “The experience of SIBC’s Monks of Norcia Project enabled me to enter into a foreign culture of both business and community. The ability to conduct a semester of research followed by travel into the mountains of Italy was a wonderfully unique opportunity. The culture, lifestyle, and dedication of the monks heightened my interest in their lives of prayer, work, and silence. Our marketing report we provided for their beer was received with sincere gratitude and the opportunity for continued partnership. I truly believe this project captured the heart of SIBC’s mission of Peace Through Commerce.” Margaret Hodge “Traveling to Norcia, Italy to visit and work with the Benedictine monks truly changed my life. Spending the time that we did in Norcia alongside the monks allowed me to see the beauty of the monastic life. It was even more rewarding to see that the research we did will allow the monks to expand their brewery business. The project was challenging. Instead of looking for customers and business partners, the monks wanted to build connections with small media platforms that share similar Catholic values. This gave me a new perspective on business marketing. Marketing is not simply about expanding one’s business. It can be focused on building partnerships and sharing messages with people. Creating this connection with the Benedictine monks in Norcia through our project is hopefully something I will carry with me for life.”

Nathan Hall "Being able to work with the Benedictine Monks in Norcia, Italy was a very wonderful experience. Doing the research and building the report was a great learning experience for me. I grew in my research skills as well as my international communication skills. The travel portion of the project was wonderful. This was my first time traveling to Italy. It was great to be able to experience a new culture and see the beautiful Italian countryside. This was a wonderful project and I am very grateful I had this opportunity!"

Evelyn Wooldrik "It is safe to say that I have gained ample knowledge and business experience from this trip. It was a true blessing being able to stay and experience the monk's unique way of life. I loved hearing how passionate they were about their Order as well as their product. This was something that I thought I would never be able to experience firsthand! By traveling, I was able to see how my team’s hard work was able to provide aid and increase efficiency for the Monks! Overall, I have greatly benefited from SIBC and the opportunity that allowed me to go on this beautiful and impactful trip!” Rosemary C Williams “During my visit to Italy, I not only got to experience the beauty of the monastic community we worked with but the beauty and history of the country itself. I was immersed in the culture and really got a feel for the way of life that differs so drastically from my own. I toured the beautiful churches and sites, sharing all the experiences with my group and bonding over them. I learned about the history of the church, as well as the situation the monks found themselves in, from day-to-day work and prayer to the bigger picture of their business. I gained so much experience in business: professional presentations, writing proper marketing plans and doing audience research. I learned so much and really stepped into my own on this trip. It was so unique to SIBC! On most trips and business ventures I have been on, I never had to step up as much as this trip asked me to. My teammates and friends depended on me and we were all in a most unfamiliar place, having to figure out the customs and situations by ourselves. I felt so proud of myself and my teammates for giving such a thorough and fun presentation successfully! I realized how much I love to travel and how rewarding it is to make a difference while doing so! I can’t wait to see where SIBC takes me next!”


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