This is a joint event with Notre Dame and the University of San Diego.
Michael Dickson
IPE was an incredible experience! It enabled me to grow in leadership through a process of research, presentation, and networking. This is my third joint project with the University of San Diego and Notre Dame but the first to be in person. I was delighted with the professionalism from all three schools and loved connecting with other motivated SIBC chapters. In addition, it was a pleasure to spend an evening with Mr. Frank Potenziani and members of the IBC. I was able to hear of their experience in both business and life as well as ask for direction as I move on from college.
Soloman Wallace
I thoroughly enjoyed working with my teammates to complete the IPE project. We worked together to engage in scholarly research that provided information on if trade make countries more commercially interdependent, creating strong incentives to avoid war. While completing this project I learned how companies aim to create peace and sustainable development. I also gained new skills revolving around working in a team and being efficient while completing several task. I gained business experience through meeting weekly with my team and the presentation component that come with the SIBC class. I've benefited from SIBC because I have gained new knowledge and skills by being able to complete meaningful projects that has easily helped me grow professionally.
Samuel T Sebastian
During this trip to the University of San Diego for the IPE project we had the ability to meet students from both the University of Notre Dame and San Diego. All three teams were presenting on different topics which pertained to the International, Political, and Econimic aspects of IPE. Each team did a wonderful job, and we were able to learn so much from each presentation. The main highlight during this event was how easy it was to Network with our peers as well as the alumni and directors of SIBC. This project has led to friendships at each school as well as meaningful connections with the founders of SIBC. Gathering together to present and learn from the information that was researched made this trip a learning experience beyond any other. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this project and to be able to travel to the University of San Diego!
Daniel K Murry
This trip my team, Michael Dickson, Sam Sebastian, and Phil Smaldone, and I went to the university of San Diego to give a presentation about “peace through commerce. We gave about a 15-20 minute presentation and answered a few questions. We also got to meet USD’s and Notre Dame’s SIBC teams and learned how they operate. We also met with some Benedictine alumni who were happy to share their wisdom with us. One even wrote us a letter.
On this trip I learned how fun presenting can be. For the longest time I had been afraid of speaking in front of a group in that way. When it was our turn to speak, something changed. All of a sudden I wanted to be there, and was excited to share what I learned. I realized that these things will only be as stressful as you make them; they don’t have to that way at all. I also learned the importance of team roles. We spent much of our project researching; it so long because we weren’t really holding each other accountable until the final weeks of preparation. It was better when we were all in the same room together, a focusing on our individual roles and seeing how our pieces of information cooperated with each other. This may have been the most fun thing I’ve done with Benedictine. I learned so much.
Philip J Smaldone
The Benedictine IPE team and I traveled to San Diego. We delivered a presentation on economics.Particularly, we discussed the connection between trade and peace. This prompt was great for us to deliver and present on because it was an area that we all had some experience. but most of didn’t initially have great depth in the topic. We gained great understanding from this work.
We also had a great opportunity to practice professionalism. Traveling to another state, and presenting showed us how to better interact within the business world. We also have a wonderful time meeting and interacting, alumni, business leaders, and students from San Diego and Notre Dame. These networking opportunities were both fun and insightful.
