Over the course of the semester, the team will create a presentation that breaks down basic finance concepts. The team will work with the Benedictine finance professors to ensure the presentation is a comprehensive assortment of financial concepts for individuals with limited financial knowledge. This project will be tailored to college and high school students. At the end of the semester, the team will present their project to BC and high school students. International travel - foreign currency, exchange rates, use credit card without foreign transaction fees, check who bank currently partnered with in foreign country, etc.
Simon K Anderson
The goal of this project was to give Benedictine Students some exposure to basic financial concepts that are necessary for them as they move forward in life. We wanted to introduce them to concepts such as credit cards, interest rates, budgeting, and other essential topics. Over the course of the semester, I increased my knowledge of managing personal finances. In addition, I was able to improve my presentation skills. Developing soft skills, such as presenting, are vital in building a successful career after college; and this project gave me that great opportunity.
Joshua N Arendt
This semester I had the opportunity to work on a Financial Literacy Project. Doing so, I played a role working with my team to create a short 30–40-minute presentation for any students on campus who wanted to understand more about budgeting and personal finance. In doing so I was tasked with teaching our audience what NOT to do. Talking to professors, mentors, and peers about different topic that they thought most important and trying to put them all together to build a presentation was difficult, but has taught me how to format a presentation by looking at things from another person’s point of view. Learning to understand that someone else might not have the knowledge I have, but finding ways to help them understand what is relevant, is a skill that I truly find invaluable.
Dominic Ricca
Despite being a smaller project, the financial literacy project held a big space in my heart. The main goal for this project was to put together a presentation for our peers on the following topics: Interest rates, inflation, credit cards/ credit score, investments, paychecks, student loans, budgeting/budgeting tools, retirement, international travel, and the “do not’s” of personal finance. I learned more about general finances, specifically retirement plans. A lot of what we covered in this presentation was also covered in Tony Tanking personal finance class that I had taken prior to this semester. With the knowledge I gained from his class and the help from other professors on campus, it was easy to translate the necessary information into our project. My teammates for this project worked on this presentation very efficiently and we were able to come together and apply our strengths to our chosen topics. This project helped me in becoming a better leader and critical thinker. In addition to all these things, I thought this project was very important and that a lot od our peers could benefit from it. I know that I have found myself asking the questions “How can I buy a house, How Do I get a credit card, How do I apply for loans?” these were all things we covered in the presentation because more than likely everyone has asked themselves or others any of these questions before.
