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Cervy (Louisiana)

The Cervey project offered unique opportunities and challenges unlike previous SIBC project I have led. We provided a report on pharmaceutical long-term care software, and potential international markets. This required us to understand both the product itself as well as the geographical, cultural, and logistical differences. No one on the team possessed any understanding of the industry prior to this semester, so the opportunities were abundant for practical growth. Through the semester, we successfully researched our prompt and found creative ways around some information barriers. The culmination of the project occurred when the whole team traveled to Shreveport, Louisiana to present to the pleased client. Our team was very satisfied with our work and greatly enjoyed the social side of exploring the culture, food, and outdoor side of Louisiana. -Michael Dickson

My trip with SIBC was like no other trip I took. While the travels aspect of seeing a new area left an impression, another aspect had a even more profound impact. On our trip to Louisiana, we met several different people from different walks a life and had a chance to create a connection. This connection gave me new insights into others but most importantly it incinddled a real interest in who they are. Each person had their own story which were pact with wisdom to take. SIBC is a great avenue for growing oneself through the knowledge and story of others. -Phil Smaldone

My experience on this business trip was beyond my expectations. Not only did we present in a professional manner, but our team had some great bonding time that showed our effort had paid off. SIBC offered and incredible experience which went from a formal report presentation to meeting welcoming families in the area!

I would recommend going on these types of business trips to anyone interested because it offers an experience like no other. Business there was priority but once all was finished, there was time to enjoy each other and look back on the good work we created. The Cervey Louisiana trip was worth the hard work and lost definitely worth the wait. Benjamin Michieli


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