This is a joint event with Notre Dame and the University of San Diego.
Dominic P Ricca
For this project, as a team we were tasked with researching the renewable energy sector. The presentation required us to give a detailed outlook on the sector for the next decade, research technological advancements within the industry and give our take on what stocks would be a wise investment for the next five to ten years. My teammate, Brooke Meister and I were tasked with the research of technological advancements. We found that the solar sector will go up about 50% in size and that the United States are looking into small-scale forms of solar energy such as in home generators and solar blinds, meanwhile they are also in the process of trying to form solar roadways that will display streetlines and signs. This was a project that required all members of the team to work together timely and efficiently.
Marissa Mantz
This project we were tasked with researching the renewable energy sector, specifically focusing on solar energy. My teammate, Danny, and I focused on the challenges and potential risks of using and producing solar energy and panels. We found that the panels are only truly beneficial on a smaller home scale versus large scale farms to produce energy for a whole city. This is because the panels need to be where they can get constant light and which is not in big cities. We also found that producing solar panels uses coal burning plants and silicon, so we still use natural resources to produce them, cutting down the effects of going green. This project required all of the team to work together closely and effectively to get everything done to make deadlines.
Simon Anderson
I always enjoy working on the BuySide project because it really challenges the team members to complete thorough research on a topic. This heavy research requires the students to sift through a lot of information and try to create a coherent application of this research. Plus, the professionalism involved in these projects is truly a great experience. As students, it is not often that we get the opportunity to participate in these types of environments, and I believe that this is incredibly beneficial because when we graduate, this is the type of environment we will likely be operating in. Additionally, the BuySide projects are a great opportunity for students to develop their comfort with presenting as well as their soft skills.
Brooke Meister
Being a member of this project has not only given me insight to a new perspective on our research, but a new perspective on teamwork and collaboration. Through delegating topics and analyzing the statistics with my partner, my eyes were opened to see that our research not only has an impact on our lives today, but for the rest of our lives and the way we live. I saw first hand how valuable our time and collaborative talents were as a unit for this project, and I am thankful to have been part of it.
Joshua Arendt
The semester I have had the honor of being chosen for the annual Buyside project. This has been an extremely creative assignment, as my topic given was “Recommendations for Solar Energy stocks”. Being such a new and changing market as it is, I and my partner (of this topic), Simon Anderson, have had to work hard to find new, but reliable information, that would make for a good recommendation, and not simply to take a shot in the dark. It has truly helped me to get out of my comfort zone and look for new and innovative ways to find information and learn more about a topic, without having someone to guide me in the right direction.
